Sunday School

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The foundational platform for teaching Sunday School at Hermon is the Word of God.  This is the Sunday School textbook.  We hold to a strong belief that the Scriptures are "God-breathed;" therefore, we must use the inspired message of the Lord as we instruct individuals who attend our Sunday School classes.

Hermon also seeks to do ministry to the whole person as we function in a small group setting which is open to all persons. As class members enjoy the fellowship, instruction, and accountability of a Bible study class, they should expect to experience a transformation when folks allow the Holy Spirit to work within their hearts. 
We invite you to visit one of our Bible study groups.  Sunday School begins at 9:00 AM every Sunday morning. Please enter at the main entrance of the Family Life Center (located behind the Sanctuary), and greeters will be there to assist you. Come and see what God is doing at Hermon.