Ministry Partnerships
HBC is committed to cooperating with churches of like faith and practice to love our neighbors and advance the gospel. We also support many ministries financially, prayerfully, and with service when possible.
Local Partnerships
We partner with and support a number of local ministries:
3. Operation Reach Out - We provide lunch once a month at ORO. Please see Brenda Carter if you would like to serve with us.
North American Misson Partnerships
Along with partnering with the North American Mission Board through the Cooperative Program and the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering, we also partner with Transformation Church in Waterford, MI, to see lives transformed by the gospel.
We also prayerfully support some JAARS missionaries who serve faithfully at the JAARS headquarters in Waxhaw, NC.
We further partner with churches of like faith and practice by giving financially to the North Carolina Mission Offering and the Baptist Children's Home.
International Mission Partnerships
Along with partnering with the International Mission Board through the Cooperative Program and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, we prayerfully support several international missionaries who work with the IMB or Wycliffe Bible Translators. For security reasons, we cannot share any information about the numerous missionaries we have partnered with. Please see Pastor Larry Underwood for more information about how to pray for and support our missionaries.